Our Members
Members are guardians of the governance and of the vision and values of the trust. They hold our Federation Board to account for the effective governance of the trust but have a minimal role in the actual running of the trust.
Members are essential to the integrity of the academy trust governance structure. They ensure strong and effective governance and hold the board to account in upholding the charitable purpose of our organisation. Members therefore remain informed of trust performance and are clear on how to appropriately interact with the trustee board.
Members have no day-to-day or week-to-week role in running the trust. They do however, take responsibility for receiving the annual report and accounts, appointing the external auditors, appointing or removing trustees and approving any changes to the Article of Association.
All members are required to have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, a section 128 direction check and a right to work/identity check.
As outlined in our Articles of Association, our members are derived from two bodies: the Leathersellers Company and the Prendergast School Trust.
More information about the Leathersellers Company can be found here.
More information about the Prendergast School Trust will be published in due course.
The Leathersellers Company and Prendergast Schools Trust have made a commitment to protecting and guarding the vision and values of the Trust as articulated here.
Our Members are:
1. LSC Christopher Barrow
2. LSC Martin Dove
3. LSC Matthew Lawrence
4. PST Andrew Collier
5. PST Andrew Holmes
Key documentation
Register of business interests - to follow