

Governors’ Statement of Behaviour Principles: Consultation with Parents

Governors consulted with parents, children and staff over their Statement of Behaviour Principles. The Governors’ Statement of Behaviour Principles was based on the DfE Statutory Guidance and best practice models.

The consultation with parents was from 2nd May 2018 to 18th May 2018 following a parent mail circulation.

Four replies were received to consultation.

  • Two identified a typo which has been corrected. These two emails also expressed support for the statement.
  • One email requested the Statement of Principles to be extended in scope to cover each individual school’s responses to children and students, but otherwise expressed support for the statement. The schools’ responses to children and students  are rightly covered in the schools’ behaviour policies, which are determined by but not defined in detail by the statement of principles. The statutory principles allow for the policies adopted in each school to be more detailed and  responsive to the needs of individual schools.
  • One email suggested significant rewriting of the principles, extending the scope and purpose of the document to cover much more than a statement of principles.

Governors will consider these responses.

Governors wish to thank all those who have responded to the consultation.

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